Seanergy and Skillbill join forces to support clean energy worldwide
SEANERGY and SKILLBILL projects have established a new synergy that aims to transform clean energy hubs worldwide.
Why is the identification of relevant stakeholders key to transforming ports into clean energy hubs?
The stakeholders’ management emerged as a field of study and practice owing to the industry's need to plan, control, and manage huge, complicated series of operations.
Seanergy Project has its first presential meeting
On January 31st and February 1st, the SEANERGY PROJECT partners had the pleasure to finally meet in person. This first presential meeting was hosted by the coordinator Magellan Circle at the Crown Plaza in Porto.
Seanergy Project issues its first newsletter
Seanergy Project issues its first trimestrial newsletter to keep our readers updated on the progress and actions of the project.
Impact of port emissions
The globalization of industrial and agricultural processes makes maritime transport (#shipping) a fundamental sector of the world economy. Overall, 25% of world-delivered energy consumption is employed for transport. About 75% of this energy is employed for road transport, 12% for shipping, and 12% for air transport (EIA, 2016).
First SEANERGY workshop: “are EU ports ready for alternative fuels?”
On November 10th, 2022, World Maritime University hosted our first SEANERGY Project workshop in collaboration with ENGIMMONIA Project on EU ports and alternative fuels.
Why You Need to Know (and Care) About Port Pollution?
Maritime Transport is an essential element of global trade and the economy. But even though the maritime sector brings substantial economic and social benefits, it has also an impact on the environment and the health of EU citizens in many areas.
Why are the port’s environmental impacts our priority?
While efficient ports are vital to the economic development of their surrounding areas, the related ship traffic, the handling of the goods in the ports, and the hinterland distribution can cause a number of negative environmental impacts.
Seanergy Project Has Officially Kicked Off
The Sustainability EducationAl programme for greeNER fuels and enerGY on ports (SEANERGY) is an initiative financed by the European Union, within the framework of the research and innovation programme Horizon Europe.