Seanergy Project Has Officially Kicked Off

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10:30 hrs.

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Last Friday, we were delighted to launch the SEANERGY Project with a virtual kick-off meeting organized by the coordinator Magellan Circle

The Sustainability EducationAl programme for greeNER fuels and enerGY on ports (SEANERGY) is an initiative financed by the European Union, within the framework of the research and innovation programme Horizon Europe.

For the next 30 months, the 12 European Partners will come together to develop a Master Plan to reduce the #environmentalimpact of the #port industry.

Thank you to the project partners Magellan CircleWorld Maritime UniversityIHE Delft Institute for Water EducationRINA,  Fundación ValenciaportEnnshafen OÖ GmbHThe Diktyo, SLΔίκτυο ΔΑΦΝΗ / DAFNI NetworkFuture Proof ShippingEco Imagination, ATPERSON, ZER0-E EngineeringAnleg GmbH for these promising exchanges. We look forward to starting the #research and #innovation actions to help TRANSFORM PORTS INTO CLEAN ENERGY HUBS.

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The Port of Cartagena is the most profitable port in the Spanish port system and is leading the production and export of renewable hydrogen. It is an EPSO Port and promotes FERRMED standards, which enhance the connections of ports with their respective hinterlands, as well as boosting the Great Scandinavian-Rhine-Rhône-Western Mediterranean Freight Rail Axis.

SEANERGY Master Plan Presented at Expomaritt Istanbul 2025

The SEANERGY Master Plan for Port Decarbonization was presented at Expomaritt Istanbul 2025 by project partner RINA. This major maritime event provided a key platform to discuss clean energy solutions and innovative technologies aimed at decarbonizing ports and the broader maritime sector.