First SEANERGY exploitation workshop

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The first SEANERGY Exploitation workshop took place on March 22nd, 2023, gathering all the partners around the project’s Key Exploitation Results.

EU definition of Key Exploitable Result:

According to the Horizon 2020 text, a “result” is defined as:

“Any tangible or intangible output of the action, such as data, knowledge and information whatever their form or nature, whether or not they can be protected, which are generated in the action as well as any attached rights, including intellectual property rights”.

A Key Exploitable Result (KER) is an identified main interesting result (as defined above) which has been selected and prioritised due to its high potential to be “exploited” – meaning to make use and derive benefits- downstream the value chain of a product, process or solution, or act as an important input to policy, further research, or education.

As a result: KERs are selected and prioritized depending on its potential to be “exploited”:

  • For commercial purposes
  • For research purposes
  • For standardization purposes
Seanergy Exploitation Workshop 02
Key Exploitable Result Definition – Research Purposes
Seanergy Exploitation Workshop 03
Key Exploitable Result Definition – Commercial Purposes
Seanergy Exploitation Workshop 04
Key Exploitable Result Definition – Standardization Purposes

In preparation to this workshop, all SEANERGY partners had completed a first questionnaire gathering essential information on the Key Exploitable Results of the SEANERGY project, its market uptake and IP ownership after project. The questionnaire involved the exploration of relevant markets and feedback of partners’ individual expertise whenever needed to set up:

  1. an adequate exploitation methodology;
  2. an exploitation plan where results are well described and analyzed; 
  3. IP background and foreground linked to each Key Exploitable Result 

Although it is too soon to share the results, after discussions, the partners defined 11 preliminary KERs involving all the partners. 

The next workshop will take place in March 2024, at month 18 of the project, to review the evolution of those KERs and update them.

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The Sustainability EducationAl programme for greeNER fuels and enerGY on ports (SEANERGY) is an initiative financed by the European Union, within the framework of the research and innovation programme Horizon Europe.