SEANERGY Project: Transforming Ports into Clean Energy Hubs

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The SEANERGY Project is at the forefront of revolutionizing EU ports into sustainable clean energy hubs. With maritime transport contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, SEANERGY aims to create a comprehensive Master Plan, guiding ports across Europe towards zero-emission operations.

The project, initiated in October 2022, involves extensive collaboration among various stakeholders, focusing on training, reskilling, and the development of innovative technologies. By unifying objectives and fostering synergies, SEANERGY addresses environmental impacts, promoting the integration of renewable energies and low-carbon fuels in port operations.

Objectives and Impact:

  • Master Plan Development: Serving as a comprehensive guide for environmental and energy planning
  • Training and Education: Preparing industry professionals through workshops and practical experiences
  • Resource Optimization: Identifying and leveraging regional resources like hydrogen, waste, and renewable power

Project Execution:

  • Understanding Current Framework: Analyzing existing conditions and stakeholder dynamics
  • Gap Analysis: Identifying missing information and skills needed for green port transformation
  • Master Plan Creation: Establishing goals and providing tools for greener operations
  • Implementation: Developing a Handbook for practical application of the Master Plan
    Communication and Dissemination: Promoting the project’s goals across Europe

By joining forces, SEANERGY partners are set to lead the charge in transforming ports into beacons of sustainability, ensuring a cleaner, greener future for maritime transport.

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