Regional Workshop Danube Ports in the framework of the SEANERGY project

September 21, 2023
09:00 hrs.
» UTC/GMT +02
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The ports industry is one of the economic pillars of the European community as most imported and exported goods pass through ports. On average, 74% of goods imported and exported go through seaports. However, ports are responsible for a significant rise of environmental impacts, for example through carbon emissions, soil, and water pollution as well as loss of biodiversity.

SEANERGY will create a Clean Energy Hub Master Plan that aims to solve this challenge. This Master Plan will present goals, objectives, training modules, and directions for short-, medium- and long-term operations that will allow port stakeholders to assess, plan and execute activities to transform ports into clean energy hubs.

The aim of the workshop is to present the first results of the project and specifically the overall methodology that will lead to the realisation in 2024 of the Clean Energy Hub Master Plan. It will include specific tools that the ports can use in their decarbonisation and energy transition process. After the presentation of the project and its first results, the workshop aims at interaction with regional Danube stakeholders to:

  • Identify what information, skills and resources are lacking at industry and government level to have the tools necessary to successfully transition to green ports;
  • Understanding the stakeholder perspective to assess the gaps organizations need to fill to be an active member of the transition;
  • Obtain direct feedback from stakeholders on the implementation of technologies already identified in the project.

Join by Webex:

Meeting number: 2556 952 7074
Password: EyMnG2Y85DG

Join by video system:

Dial [email protected]
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone:

+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 255 695 27074

Participants are kindly asked to confirm participation in the meeting no later than 18 September 2023 by e-mail: [email protected]

Annexes (extracted by SEANERGY Deliverables)


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